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Service category:
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Kharadar General Hospital (previously named Cement Hospital) since its inception has treated millions of patients from most devastated and underprivileged community with a strong sense of mission, vision and determination. The initial services started with home visits (domiciliary) in 1918 and then 50 bedded maternity home established in 1936.
KGH has a proud history of providing quality healthcare services, is now recognized as an ISO certified, Not for Profit, Teaching and Training Tertiary Healthcare Facility under the dynamic leadership of Mr. M Bashir Jan Mohammad, President KGH and Prof. A.G. Billoo, Chairman Hospital Management Committee at KGH, has completed 100 years of services in 2018.
KGH is honored to receive accreditations from the following institutions:
CPSP College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan
PMDC Pakistan Medical & Dental Council
PNC Pakistan Nursing Council
DUHS Dow University of Health Sciences
SMF Sindh Medical Faculty
PBFSC Provincial Breast Feeding Steering Committee
QSCERT International Standard Organization
RIQAS Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme UK
NEQAP National External Quality Assurance Programme Pakistan
We are Thankful to Allah (SWT) for completing 100 years of dedicated hard work, as well as thankful to all friends, donors and supporters for making this possible together
Mission Statement
“To provide ethical & high quality medical & social services with dignity & respect at subsidized rates, which the people can afford”
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