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Contact person: MR MAQSOOD ANSARI
02134991071 [email protected]
Service category: Healthcare


We are not a free, but a fair hospital. Our 'business' model ensures that the cost to patients is lower by at least 40 percent when compared to the price paid by patients at similar organization around us.
Who We Are
The Cancer Foundation is a not-for-profit NGO incorporated under the SECP Companies Act as a Sec. 42 company. Cancer Foundation Hospital is our first and flagship hospital and has opened its doors in a soft opening in 2017.
The Mission of The Cancer Foundation is to redefine Cancer care and medical care as a social amenity and public service and not as the ‘business of medicine’. We wish to establish sophisticated healthcare infrastructure purely from philanthropy, public and government grants. We would then ensure quality care to conform to at least the best national standards. We will maximize efficiencies, eliminate profit margins and attain the highest quality benchmarks at the lowest price. This will redefine healthcare as a public service for distress alleviation and not a business opportunity. Patients will pay for the operating expenses of a truly not-for-profit hospital and enjoy at least 70% cost savings over prevailing prices. The Cancer Foundation aims to be at the forefront of National Cancer Control by participating in legislation, policy making, education, research and public awareness about cancer.
What We do
The hospital aims to provide high quality care and treatment at cost-based prices to its patients.

We have 100 inpatient beds (27 critical care beds), 18 chemotherapy bays, 3 endoscopy suites and 3 operating rooms. There is an outpatient clinic with 12 examining suites. The radiology department offers 3D digital mammography (first one in Pakistan), CT scan, ultrasound, conventional imaging and Spect CT. Radiation therapy is planned for the next phase. There is a sophisticated laboratory with robotic assembly lines for high throughput and histopathology labs which will be commissioned later this year along with molecular and genetic testing facilities. The hospital will provide chemotherapy at a large discount to the prevailing prices. Complex cancer surgery for liver, pancreas, gut, gynaecological, soft tissue, endocrine and head and neck malignancies will be offered. Allied medical specialties like internal medicine, gastroenterology, nutrition, anaesthesia and pain management, palliative care will be offered.

The hospital has a sophisticated IT infrastructure and uses Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for storage of all data. Remote access to patient data is available to physicians and patients. The hospital exemplifies the 'smart hospital' with telemedicine capabilities and remote access.
Pakistan, Karachi, sindh, C-130, Block 09, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp Aziz Bhatti Park,
Contact person: MR MAQSOOD ANSARI
02134991071 [email protected]
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Contact person: MR MAQSOOD ANSARI
02134991071 [email protected]
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