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Contact person: MR AMEEN
+922138798712 [email protected]
Service category: Healthcare


Over a 120 years, since its inception the hospital has evolved into a state-of-the-art medical facility providing obstetric, gynecological and neo-natal pediatric services. Its philosophy has always been to provide the best medical care and modern facilities, irrespective of the socio-economic background of the patient - in line with the intentions of the founders and benefactors of the hospital.

In last 5 years LDH, has had zero maternal deaths. The hospital has one of the lowest maternal mortality rate-25.36 per 100,000 live births.

lady dufferinWHERE WE ARE NOW
Today, the Lady Dufferin Hospital has a capacity of 300 beds with 4 operation theatres, prenatal & postnatal wards, ultrasound department, neo-natal intensive care unit, labor room, consulting rooms, private &semi-private rooms, outpatient department (OPD), family planning services, 24 hour laboratory, radiology and pharmacy. The hospital is one of the largest reputable maternity hospitals in Pakistan. It owns and utilizes state-of-the-art equipment, enabling the staff to provide comprehensive obstetric, gynecological and neonatal healthcare.

The services comprise deliveries, advanced hysteroscopy/laparoscopic surgery, cancer surgery and infertility (including IVF as a satellite unit). The Neo-natal Intensive Care unit at the Lady Dufferin Hospital provides critical care at highly subsidized rates. We have recently added another modern high-tech ventilator and a bubble CPAP unit, providing free ventilator support for neonates.

lady dufferin
Any charity you give, or a charitable pledge you fulfill, GOD is fully aware thereof. As for the wicked, they will have no helpers.

The Lady Dufferin Hospital is striving to save mothers and the newborns of Pakistan by providing them with high quality health care, fighting against unacceptably high rate of maternal and newborn mortality in the country. To this end it will provide state of the art, comprehensive, free/subsidized obstetric, maternity and neo natal services in line with intentions of its founders and benefactors of providing them quality treatment irrespective of their affordability.

“The life of every mother and her baby counts. They must not die only because they cannot afford/ access appropriate care. LDH provides high quality healthcare to all irrespective of cast, color or creed.”

We focus on providing high-quality services to patients irrespective of them being paying or non-paying patients. We are committed to providing treatment to all patients irrespective of their income, class, color, race and creed. We provide teaching and training activities and conduct regular courses on family planning and reproductive health. Our goal is to bring down the high level of maternal and perinatal mortality in Pakistan which is amongst the highest in the world.

Pakistan, Karachi, sindh, Lady Dufferin Hospital, Chand Bibi Road,
Contact person: MR AMEEN
+922138798712 [email protected]
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Contact person: MR AMEEN
+922138798712 [email protected]
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