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Contact person: MR SHAHID BUKHARI
+923222555400 [email protected]
Service category: Healthcare


Talk with our Principal Doctor
Encountered a medical emergency? HospitALL has an in-house doctor available at your service for urgent consultation. You can directly talk to an in-house general physician for any medical and clinical issue through audio or video call. Our dedicated team is there to help you in the times of need.

HospitALL has on-boarded Dr. Syeda Jannat Ali, an experienced General Physician to facilitate patients in the times of crisis for urgent consultation. No hassle of waiting in queue to book an appointment. No more waiting. Our principal doctor is available for you 24/7 for any medical issue.

Welcome to HospitALL
HospitALL was initiated nearly a year ago by Ayub Ghauri, Executive Director of Netsol Technologies, one of the biggest IT company of Pakistan. The goal was to create a self-sustainable and accessible healthcare system in Pakistan and to lead the healthcare industry towards a more effective and efficient system, making things easier for all stakeholders involved.

At HospitALL we see ourselves as solution providers of the healthcare industry. We take pride in our state of the art partner clinics and specialized medical care providers. By being the prominent reference point in healthcare we are creating a platform that connects, cures and provides ease of service. HospitALL is working to bring all those involved in the industry on a single platform. We are establishing systems, that will aid us in providing the right kind of medical assistance in the hour of chaos.

We aim to be market drivers, our objective is to not only disrupt the healthcare market but also create change in terms of mindsets. We firmly believe in the new way, which we define as an emphasis on preventive care in order to stimulate value addition for all. Throughout our organization, we follow a philosophy which rewards and nurtures work ethic, where everyone is committed to our principles of care, cure, and support. We believe in engendering a mindset change that is geared towards preventative care.

Our clients get unwavering support from us and we promise to put them at the center of everything we do. HospitALL will help our clients make a health promise and stick to it – as they are important! Through the creation of this atmosphere we are the future of healthcare.
Pakistan, Lahore, punjab, NETSOL Avenue, Main Ghazi Rd, Khuda Buksh, Colony,
01:00 - 23:00
01:00 – 23:00
01:00 – 23:00
01:00 – 23:00
01:00 – 23:00
01:00 – 23:00
01:00 – 23:00
01:00 – 23:00
Day off:
Contact person: MR SHAHID BUKHARI
+923222555400 [email protected]
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Contact person: MR SHAHID BUKHARI
+923222555400 [email protected]
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