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Service category:
Maintenance, Finance & Law
“To become the number one solution provider in every industry we serve”
“A dynamic, diverse and growth oriented modaraba delivering ethical and competitive outsourcing solutions for our customers through a network of professionals ensuring rewards to our stakeholders while fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities.”
Following are the core values – our pillars – that leverage us to inspire others through examples
Honesty, Trust, Transparency; these are the tools which we have chosen to employ day in day out. Be it dealing with our clients or working with co-workers, we believe that it is our integrity that shines through to those who seek us out.
Our journey of commitment is driven by passion. Our commitment to a cause helps us to overcome challenges in the best possible manner.
We don’t believe in talking big; instead we choose to lead by example.
Safety is our first and foremost priority when it comes to business dealings. We believe in safety first and nothing else. We make sure that our team members embrace this rule of thumb as an integral part of their practices, and not just another item to be ticked off the checklist.
Our work is what leads us to be united with the excellence and success that we set out to seek when we take upon a project. We always deliver our promise of excellence to our clientele.
Our success so far is a testament that we take our human relationships seriously. From whatever we do, in our relationships to our work ethic, we feel that our success hinges on our human relationships; be it with customers, suppliers or employees.
Our team isn’t just the people we interact with on a daily basis, it’s the people who come to us seeking our services. That’s why we treat everyone as part of our family – like as a part of our team.
With the combined efforts of all our team members and our own defined code of ethics, we ensure that we deliver the best possible services to our customers that are up to the mark, both according to theirs and our status.
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Pakistan, Karachi, sindh, Registered Office: Plot #9, Sector 24 Korangi Industrial Area Karachi. Corporate Office: ICT Building, 4th Floor A/33 Central Commercial Area 7/8 Main Shahrah-e Faysal, Near Baloch Colony Bridge
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