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Contact person: MR MALIK MUBARAK ALI
+924235847325 [email protected]
Service category: Manufacturing & Production, Agriculture


Welcome to Kausar Group of Companies
Where We Are Malik Mubarik Ali ImageWith a history spanning over six decades of excellence in the food business, Kausar Group of Companies is a progressive third-generation family business, established by (late) Mr. Malik Mubarik Ali in 1951.

From very humble beginnings, we are currently ranked amongst the leading processors of Processed Rice, Cooking Oils, Vegetable Meals and Fats, Banaspati Ghee, Laundry Soap, Poultry Feeds and Broiler Chicken across Pakistan.

Our founding values of simplicity, integrity, honesty and respect within the organization and with all our customers and associates have been instrumental in our growth. Our mission since our inception is to direct all our organizational efforts into acquiring the best practices, processes and technologies, resulting to better products and services for our customers and associates, with emphasis on creating sustainable growth through forward and backward integration and it is our hope to bring more employment to our nation’s youth and reduce the influx of foreign products in our markets.

We, at ‘Kausar’ extend our gratitude for all your prayers and well wishes and salute all of you for your support throughout these years and reaffirm our commitment in maintaining the high standards of quality for the best value and to continue our traditions of serving the community with active involvement in social services.
To be recognized as the most reliable name of Pakistan in the fields of edible oils, rice and poultry, by ensuring that our customers and associates get the best value for their trust in our products and services.
To direct all our organizational efforts into acquiring the best practices, processes and technologies, resulting to better products and services for our customers and associates, with emphasis on creating sustainable growth through forward and backward integration.

Our mission is to encourage the value-system of simplicity, integrity, honesty and respect within the organization and with all our customers and associates.
Pakistan, Lahore, punjab, Kausar House 13-C, New Muslim Town,
09:00 - 17:00
Day off
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
Day off: Sun
Contact person: MR MALIK MUBARAK ALI
+924235847325 [email protected]
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Contact person: MR MALIK MUBARAK ALI
+924235847325 [email protected]
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