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Contact person: MR YOUSUF
03032471143 [email protected]
Service category: Healthcare


BHY hospital is a Charitable, not for profit hospital, focusing on the delivery of high quality healthcare in Karachi for over 60 years since its inception in 1954. The main tertiary care hospital in the area of Delhi Colony offers 24/7 Emergency Urgent Care Services, and all services under one roof, which includes specialized care, elective and non-elective surgery, consulting clinics, 24/7 radiology and 24/7 clinical laboratory services.
B.H.Y Hospital is the project of Jamiyat Punjabi Saudagaran-e- Delhi (JPSD) established on 23rd July 1954 and is working under the supervision of BHY Management Board. It is the biggest health unit of Jamiyat. The hospital is an architectural marvel, built with long lasting, rich strong materials and wide-open courtyard spaces, all conducive for patient healing.

B.H.Y Hospital is the first and the oldest hospital in the whole locality of Delhi colony and is continuously engaged in the serving of humanity with the quality care. B.H.Y Hospital has initiated as a Gynae maternity home with a single room, two lady doctors, two nurses and 2 beds on 10th April 1955. But now with the grace of God, selfless efforts and struggle of the members, directors and donors of the Biradari its services has been expanded with the achievement of a milestone and has converted into a General hospital with 100 beds. Patients are facilitated with general OPD in all specialties. In order to construct and equip all divisions.

B.H.Y is a tertiary care hospital with 50 Consultant doctors of 25 different departments, 30 Resident Medical Officers and 200 paramedical and administration staffs specialized to provide compassionate care and treatment to patients with a full range and severity of specialty diseases and conditions.
Pakistan, Karachi, sindh, Delhi Colony Off Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman Road behind Afghan. Carpet
Contact person: MR YOUSUF
03032471143 [email protected]
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Contact person: MR YOUSUF
03032471143 [email protected]
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