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About KNH
Khairun Nisa Hospital was established in 1976 in Model Town. Main objective was to provide quality health care facilities to poor and needy patients. Hospital shifted to present locality in 1992. Initially only outpatient department was started, but later indoor facilities were added. Presently hospital has 76 beds indoor facility, which comprises general wards both for male and female patients. In addition hospital has private rooms. Post op ward and nursery etc. Out patients clinics of Gynaecology and obstetrics, medicine, pediatrics, surgery nephrology, and general outdoor. This brochure will briefly introduce you to the facilities available at the hospital.
To ensure optimum health care facilities to all strata of society irrespective of economic or social statues.
Khairun Nisa Hospital was established in 1976 in Model Town. Main objective was to provide quality health care facilities to poor and needy patients. Hospital shifted to present locality in 1992. Initially only outpatient department was started, but later indoor facilities were added. Presently hospital has 76 beds indoor facility, which comprises general wards both for male and female patients. In addition hospital has private rooms. Post op ward and nursery etc. Out patients clinics of Gynaecology and obstetrics, medicine, pediatrics, surgery nephrology, and general outdoor. This brochure will briefly introduce you to the facilities available at the hospital.
To ensure optimum health care facilities to all strata of society irrespective of economic or social statues.
~ km
Pakistan, Lahore, punjab, 17-C Civic Centre C-Block Faisal Town
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