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Contact person: MR NADEEM
+9242111296297 [email protected]
Service category: Healthcare


Bahria International Hospital Lahore a subsidiary of Bahria Town comprises of an extensive range of medical specialties,
advanced diagnostic technology and outstanding services which has positioned it as a leading
comprehensive healthcare provider in the region.

The hospital’s architecture creates a natural nurturing and healing environment and is a perfect setting in which patients receive personal care and access to the most advanced health care services. Featuring the very latest technology, we are easily accessible and more affordable than any other private healthcare facility in the country. Trained physicians and staff members are available round the clock, ready to manage medical/surgical emergencies.
Our clinical staff are world-class, our facilities state-of-the-art and our Quality of Care standards are the benchmark in private treatment in Pakistan

Vision Statement
To provide exemplary care to patients, to support the teaching and research missions of the University of Health Sciences Punjab Lahore for the establishment of Bahria Medical College.

To contribute to the development of secondary and tertiary healthcare not confined to the existing hospital facility.

To provide access for needy and deserving patients who may not, on account of financial difficulties, be able to afford normal hospital charges.

To reach out to those who might not otherwise present themselves at the hospital.

To develop new services in response to public expectations as resources permit on an economically viable and sustainable basis.

Our Strengths
Qualified and Experienced Faculty

5-Star infrastructure

Latest Electro medical Equipment

State of the Art Ambulance & Trauma Services

Excellent Hospital Waste Management System

Abundance of Resources

Provision of High Quality Medicine

Hard-working and Committed Staff

Provision of Free Treatment to the Poor and Needy Patients
Pakistan, Lahore, punjab, Takbeer Block, Sector B, Bahria Town
Contact person: MR NADEEM
+9242111296297 [email protected]
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Contact person: MR NADEEM
+9242111296297 [email protected]
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