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Contact person: MR SHAKIR
042111111562 [email protected]
Service category: Finance & Law


FINCA Pakistan traces its roots back to 2008 when it started its journey as Kashf Microfinance Bank. The foundation of the Bank was laid on the acknowledgment that the access to financial services was also a fundamental right of the people who lack this facility, and that the Bank would provide micro-loans to the hardworking entrepreneurs with minimal collateral requirements. At that time, the Bank started its business through a network of 13 branches-all providing basic deposit and microfinance services to its customers. FINCA Pakistan is the first microfinance bank in the country to receive SMART certification in recognition of its long-standing commitment to clients’ protection principles

The Bank became a part of the global FINCA family in 2013, whereby it joined 20 other affiliated host-country institutions (affiliates) of FINCA International in Africa, the Caribbean, Eurasia, Latin America, the Middle East and South Asia.

Currently FINCA Pakistan is providing responsible financial services, such as small loans or savings accounts to more than 900,000 clients, through a branch network of 135+ branches across 120+ cities in Pakistan. Over the years, FINCA’s portfolio has grown consistently and has become one of the leading Microfinance banks of Pakistan. FINCA has been able to provide a number of loans successfully to help micro-entrepreneurs to become financially stable.

Furthermore, in order to develop digital solutions for deeper financial inclusion, FINCA also introduced its mobile money platform ‘SimSim’ in 2017, a first truly telco agnostic digital wallet in Pakistan and is revolutionizing conventional banking into a wholesome digital banking platform. Leveraging on technology, FINCA has marked a milestone under the vision, FINCA 2.0, digitizing our entire business by re-inventing from end to end. This transformation allows anyone to open a bank account in one minute from their smartphones, regardless of one’s geographical location. Since its launch, SimSim has attracted more than 350,000 users to its platform.

With modern technology and digitization in our ambit, we at FINCA are progressively moving towards our ambition of alleviating poverty.
Pakistan, Lahore, punjab, 36-B, Khayaban-e-Iqbal, XX Block DHA Phase-III
09:00 - 17:00
Day off
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
Day off
Day off: Sun, Sat
Contact person: MR SHAKIR
042111111562 [email protected]
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Contact person: MR SHAKIR
042111111562 [email protected]
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