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Food & Beverage
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Corporate Overview
Continental Biscuits Limited (CBL) was founded in 1984 following a Joint Venture between the family of Hasan Ali Khan and the Groupe Danone, the French food giants. In the year 2007 Danone sold their biscuits category to Kraft Foods of USA. After divesture of Kraft Foods, shares are now held by Mondelez International. Today the company has a joint venture with Mondelez International with a shareholding of 50.5% and 49.5% respectively.
For more than two decades CBL is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of the brand LU. We have an array of products which are pre-eminent in the branded biscuit business both in Pakistan and abroad. Our unrivalled portfolio of brands has been meeting consumer needs for well over two decades and includes such favourites as TUC, Candi, Prince and Tiger. We produce some of the best-known crackers, cream variants, plain and ingredient-based biscuits.
Our manufacturing location based in Sukkur is a centre of excellence which provides employment to 3000 people in the region. Our marketing, sales, finance, commercial, IT and the human resources functions are located in the head office in Karachi employing a total of 200 employees. As a part of the leading FMCG our head office has close links both with the Regional Offices of Mondelez International in UAE and our manufacturing plant in Sukkur.
~ km
Pakistan, Karachi, sindh, Floor # 12, Q.M Building, Plot: BC-15,Block-7 KDA Scheme # 5, Clifton,
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