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Dr. Prof. Junaid Lakhani, a well known name in Pakistan as one of the top Oral & maxillofacial surgeon and practitioner, is rendering executive dental services since last twenty years, with a vision to provide modern dental facilities at affordable prices for the patients. The clinic's facilities has a team professional to provide prompt and best care for all type of dental procedures.Dr. Prof. Junaid Lakhani, a well known name in Pakistan as one of the top Oral & maxillofacial surgeon and practitioner, is rendering executive dental services since last twenty years, with a vision to provide modern dental facilities at affordable prices for the patients. The clinic’s facilities has a team professional to provide prompt and best care for all type of dental procedures.
~ km
Pakistan, Karachi, sindh, Shop No.4, 327/3, Alpine Center Jamal-ud-Din Afghani Road Sharafabad,
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